Market Test Ratios
Market Test Ratios help investor to estimate the attractiveness of a potential or existing investment and get an idea of its valuation. These ratios are concerned with the return on investment for shareholders, and with the relationship between return and the value of an investment in company’s shares.
This section of the tutorial discusses the different measures of Market Test.
NEXT – Market Test Ratios: Earning per Share Ratio
Table of Contents
1) Market Test Ratios: Introduction
2) Market Test Ratios: Earning per Share Ratio
3) Market Test Ratios: P/E Ratio
4) Market Test Ratios: Payout Ratio
5) Market Test Ratios: Dividend Yield Ratio
6) Market Test Ratios: Price/Cash flow Ratio
7) Market Test Ratios: Price to book value Ratio
8) Market Test Ratios: Price/Sales Ratio
9) Market Test Ratios: Price/Earnings To Growth Ratio